Tag Archives: Beam fabrication

What is Architectural Metal Work?

Architectural metalwork is a very skilled form of metal fabrication, essentially used for carving
out architectural edifices and even monuments. It refers to the production of structures
crafted out of metals like iron, steel, aluminum, copper, nickel, and magnesium. And the most
interesting aspect is that the gradation of metals can vary with respect to the work in

It involves very simple technology, though it needs skilled hands for the perfect result. The
desired metal is melted and poured into moulds through tubes. The moulds have negatives
of the images imprinted on them. Once it takes the shape, it is taken out for fittings. In this
way, fabricated gates, fences, doorknobs, even doors, chairs, and statues are made out of

The real essence and the royal feel of metal architecture are accomplished by metal casting.
So, we must remember that it is the casting that has to be done by a seasoned artisan (a metal

How does Architectural Metal Work bring a transformation?

Before we begin discussion over transforming the look and feel of a property through metal
architectural work, we must also realize that the technique is used for creating large metal
figures or metal statues too. Metals are extensively being used in the construction of
structures as they are strong, flexible, resistant to heat, and can take desired shapes with
quite an elan.

  • Metals can be customized: Metals are very flexible and can fit into any design,
    whether modern, contemporary, or archaic. Fabrication of metals can be achieved by
    welding, shearing, casting, and soldering. It can be used for fabricating multiple
    designs to suit the requirements of a project.
  • Aesthetically rich: Can you recall seeing an archaic European metal gate in one of
    those period movies?The aesthetically rich feel of the gate can be easily replicated by
    a metal fabricator and bring the same elegance to your estate, whether commercial
    or residential in NY. It provides both functionality and aesthetic richness to structures
    such as metal gates, metal fabricated fences or doors
  • Customized for different planes: Metals can be fabricated both for horizontal and
    vertical planes. It can be customized as per your requirements, as for spiral staircases,
    intricate designs on the gate, balustrades with complex art work or any other
    architectural patterns. Its versatility is unfathomable.
  • For royalty: Architectural metalwork gives a royal look and feel to any estate. The
    added glamour turns a simple piece of work into something royal and changes the
    entire story line of the structure. And the best part is that the changes can be
    experienced both in exterior and interior design.

Omni Steel Supply can give meaning to your imagination. We are metal fabricators in New
York and have been serving the industry for many years now. If you have any queries related
to architectural metalwork or what is commonly referred to as ornamental metalwork, feel
free to get in touch with us for a free consultation. You only need to fill in the form below!

Benefits of working with Professional Steel Fabricators

Among many small and important facts about structural steel, one interesting truth is, steel
is a part of almost each type of industry. You name it, and you would notice a prominent use
of the metal in that field. From commercial to residential to manufacturing, all depend on
steel for their work. We are already aware of the varied use of structural steel for commercial
purposes but do we know it is being widely used for residential construction.
As a seasoned professional steel fabricator would like to put it, with high-end technological
tools, it is becoming quite convenient to customize a metal sheet as per design and
requirement of a client. When you are dealing with a professional steel fabricator, you would
notice how they streamline a project into phases and explain complexities involved in the
completion of a project.

Some of the benefits of working with Professional Steel Fabricators:

• Precise cutting of steel, aluminum: With advanced and right kind of tools at their
disposal, professional metal fabricators, works with precision. They work in sync with
the designers and the clients’ ideas about the end product.
• Welding tools: Each sheet is of different density and require heat at various
temperature. Not all need to be exposed to high level of heat and temperature as it
can destroy the whole concept of welding. Only a trained welder can evaluate this and
control the level of heat along with the appropriate tool needed.
• Protection against corrosion: The real concern found in owners of property is resistant
power of metals as steel and aluminum to rust. A good steel manufacturer can easily
calm your concerns related with rusting and corrosion. They know exactly how to
increase the life of any metal and which alloy can withstand the climatic condition of
NY, Jamaica, Queens and other neighboring areas. They give complete insight on the
metal and also suggest which would be the best choice for a particular project.
• Design details: In present times, customized steel or other metals is used for
constructing circular staircase, for ramps, for shelves, for car interiors and several
more purposes. Steel manufacturers are equipped with sophisticated software, which
can give shape to any idea before it goes for final cut. Detailing is done as far as it is
possible and this gives a meaning to any project. Professionals ensure that customers
are satisfied and get what they have desired.
• Reuse of metal: With chiselled steel fabricator, you can enjoy versatility of work
quality. They not only deliver what is required of them but also give suggestions on
how to reuse a particular metal sheet or scraps dumped in garage or in your store.

Omni Steel Supply is a professional steel fabricator and welder, with our years of experience,
we not only deliver work on time and with exact details, we also connect you with the best
engineers to guide and help. If you are looking for advice on steel products, then get in touch with us Today!

Advantages of customised beam fabrication

Beams are the foundation of large construction sites, they are the backbone of residential and commercial buildings. Often there is a debate over what is the advantage of going for customised beam fabrication in Queens or NY or any other place? Why are customers asking for steel fabrication, when huge beams are already available in the market? Even we at Omni Steel face these questions on a regular basis, so we thought of highlighting a couple of advantages of customised beams over the ones readily available in the market.


  1. Strength: Not all architectural pieces are similar, they have their own curves and angles. Each edifice will have a special feature which makes it unique and gives a personalized touch whether it is a commercial structure or a residential. Due to this, we cannot use the same kind of beam for all types of structure and guarantee similar strength. Depending on bends, angles and curves required beams are customised, so that they can hold the whole more strongly and with great strength.


  1. Flexibility: It surely gives more flexibility as contractors can fabricate it into the desired shape and contribute towards easy and fast work. It is considered ideal for those architectural designs which have complicated and really exquisite designs.



  1. Real Usage: The true purpose or usage of custom steel fabricated beams can be witnessed when there is space shortage or someone wants eco-friendly structure. This holds both for commercial and residential purposes. The beams can be modified in a way, it gives more air passage and can be bent to adjust in minimum space. And, all this is done without losing the tenacity of the beam. Customized beams show real magic when ornamental rails or stairways have to be created.

custom steam beam fabrication NY

  1. Longevity: Since beams are customized for intricate designs and at the same time, these are not compromised in quality, they hold a structure for lifetime. Fabrication is really helpful in case there is too much complex detailing and aesthetically rich architecture have to be worked upon.



  1. Time saver: Customised steel beam fabrication wins over rolled beams in one more sense, it saves time. With customised beams, construction becomes easy and fast else a lot of thinking has to be done on how to get the right shape and feature of the desired building.


These are some of the features which make customized beams popular among the architects and interior designers. Another reason which is contributing to its popularity is easy availability of beam fabrication contractors and manufacturers in NY or Jamaica or Queens. The competitive price and fast work make it all the more favorable option.


At Omni Steel Supply, we work with the latest software to overcome any issue in designing a really complex model of the required beam. Our technicians first prepare the model on computers before giving the real solid shape.


If you are looking for a beam fabrication professional, then fill up the form today and we would get in touch with you with all the available features of construction.

How steel fabrication can enhance an ambience?

“Buildings designed with careful attention to aesthetics arouse and enlighten their occupants and that promotes their good health.” by Robert Evans

Yes, it is so true, a little attention to detailing and even metal furniture and décor can enrich a simple, dull space and add life to it instantly. If you have a design or an idea in working in your mind but have restricted budget, do give a chance to steel fabrication in New York. In present times, metal is considered as value for money because of its durability, tangibility and availability. Rather, if you are one of those who is very particular about carbon footprint, then metals like steel, aluminum can be a good choice for you.

Over the years, we at Omni Steel have realised that market for ornamental steel fabrication services in New York has really grown. There is a steep increase in the demand for customised products that seamlessly fit the décor of an area whether it is residential or commercial purposes. Some of the common things that we have recently indulged ourselves in are gates, stairs, fences, railings, shelves and more.

steel aluminum fencing

Our workers have recorded that demand varies and comes under several classifications but a few things that essentially drives a customer towards customisation of metal works are:

  1. Cut to size: This may make you wonder, what exactly we are angling at? Most of the customers look for cut to size beam in New York, to fit perfectly and at a lower cost as well. This works especially when there is no alternative other than changing the stuff. So, there is an increasing demand for cut to size metal sheet to fix or to bring a new look to a place.
Steel Spiral Staircase

  1. Diamond Plates: It has been observed that inquiry for aluminum diamond plates or steel plates is on rise due to its frictionless property. These are not only durable and sturdy but quite a convenient option for stairs, sometimes for racks, for industrial purposes and for ambulance. It has such a wide range of usage that demand for this product has seen a lot of interest from the market and believe it or not both for residential and commercial purposes.
steel doors NY
steel doors
  1. Fencing: For security reasons and as it is easy to maintain steel fences, we have noticed that customers either call us for welding or maintenance purposes or for installing a good quality sometimes decorative fences in and around their property. It also increases the overall feel of the place. Sometimes, we also get demand for computer generated designs which is different yet strong enough to withstand the weather conditions. So, there is definitely a strong demand for custom fencing NY.
Steel and aluminum fencing
Steel and aluminum fencing

4. Structural Steel Fabrication: Now, structural steel fabrication calls for combining multiple pieces of steel to form a perfect structure which has predefined shapes and sizes. So, it is just not strengthening of steel but giving the requisite shape by assembling. This is again one area which is now on shoot and we are often asked to give estimation for work and also how much time would be required to complete a project, both of which entirely depends on the nature of the project.

metal planters
  1. Miscellaneous: Some miscellaneous projects that we get in hand include building wine cellar doors, lintels, ornamental shelves for books or even as wardrobe as these are termites and pests free and mere polishing and timely welding can make it your companion for life.
Steel letters & signs
Steel letters

At Omni Steel, we have realised the accelerating demand in fabricated steel products is on a roll as it is easy to give desired shape and technology makes a faster delivery. Further, as earlier belief was metals are only for industrial purposes, it is changing and interior designers encourage clients to go for pocket friendly metal fabrication doors & gates, railings, staircase and fences. Especially, if the interior requires zig-zag or spiral staircase, then steel is regarded as the best alternative. It gives a fabulous look and blend perfectly.

If you too, are considering cut to size beam work, then do not delay, give us a call today or just fill up the form below and one of our executives will get in touch with you.


What’s the difference: Steel Frame vs Wooden Frames?

Steel Frame vs Wooden Frames

We are challenging and questioning the reliable, loved traditional way of constructing our houses. It’s most unlikely to even consider or think about a metal frame for your lovely home. But, hold on, think again and start wondering why office/school/hospital buildings are considering it as an option? And, why suddenly there is an upsurge in the demand for outdoor steel frame?

There definitely has to be a reason and certainly, not just one but more than that. Let us see how the steel frame is conquering over wooden frames and becoming a viable option these days.

  1. Durable and Robust: In the first look, one would say steel is prone to rust and can lose strength due to moisture. But it is unlikely, with better coating materials available and with considerable research done in this area, steel frames are stronger than wooden frames, now. Where wooden frames can wrap and expand with the change in weather conditions, this does not happen with steel.

2. Cuts down cost: Wooden frames require a lot of labour work to get the desired look and finish. This means a number of manpower work increases and so does the cost as labour cost is really high. Whereas, steel does not require so much labour time and thus brings down cost drastically.

3. Maintenance: Wooden panels and frames require regular polishing and maintenance to maintain the elegance of the frame. But with steel frames, there is no such requirement and it can stay in the same way for years and keep you mentally free from frequent expenditure that is required for maintenance.

steel framing New York
Steel Framing

4. Heat: So, may be this is the point which can earn some brownies for wooden frames as steel transfers heat at a much faster rate when compared. However, when we do a close analysis, wood is susceptible to fire and frequent wear and tear, whereas, steel goes deep in the earth, which keeps it safe from heat and electric waves as there is proper earthing. So, with adequate measures taken, steel frames scores better here as well.

5. Structural Strength: Wood is very easily attacked by termites and pests; they attract them as wood is home to them. This can shake the very foundation of your beautiful home, but with steel frames, this is ruled out. Steel does not invite them at all.

Wooden Framing
Wooden Framing

6. Eco-friendly: For all good reasons, steel leaves less carbon footprint and is more eco-friendly than wood. There is absolutely no use of wooden frames once removed, it will be mere wooden dust and even for erecting the right kind of frame, a lot of saw dust comes out and a good amount of wood is wasted. This definitely makes steel a better and a worthy choice.

If you have started reconsidering your options and looking for modern, sleek and elegant outdoor steel frames, then, give us a call today. Contact for creative metal fabrication in New York

Why Omni Steel?

Our experts can guide you with the best ideas and offer attractive deals on steel frames. Reach us today.

Check out related products and services on our website: Expanded Metal  steel aluminum fabrication services  steel angle